by Sangil

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THE BRAIN AND THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 195X100 oil/canvas triptych

I intend to demonstrate that arriving at the design of a being as complex as the human and with such sophisticated structures cannot be the product of chance but thanks to a very intelligent quantum program that has been modeling the superior being of planet Earth over time, although until now we call it evolution.

THE BRAIN 100X65 oil/canvas

We show a human brain in lateral view at the top and at the bottom the same brain sectioned in half vertically. On the left side of the painting we see four frames that are made using computed tomography (CAT=CT). It is a medical imaging technique that uses x-radiation to obtain cuts or sections of anatomical objects for diagnostic purposes.

Tomography comes from the Greek τομον which means cut or section and from γραφίς which means image or graph. Therefore, tomography is the obtaining of images of cuts or sections of some object. The possibility of obtaining reconstructed tomographic slice images in non-transverse planes has led to the current preference for calling this technique computed tomography or CT instead of CT.

In this case these are used to detect strokes. On the right side are SIDE scans of a brain taken from near the center all the way to it. At the bottom we see a brain from different left, right, anterior and posterior positions with the Qspect technique.

QSPECT (quantitative single-photon emission computed tomography) is a type of nuclear imaging test that uses a radioactive substance and a special camera to create 3D images of the brain. This image measures blood flow levels in up to 120 brain regions to identify abnormal areas and help doctors differentiate between complex brain disorders.

Just like all these machines solved with digital electronic technology, they are programmed to be able to obtain the necessary images, we are also programmed. In this case, doctors study how to perform this type of tests and how to interpret the photos obtained, therefore they self-program.

We could say that the entire Universe is information embedded in a program (software) and these, in turn, are embedded in the material (hardware) in such a way that, although at first glance the brain does not seem to change when problems appear, Your program produces alterations that we can detect using these techniques, the changes that actually occur.

In Nuclear Medicine, positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission tomography (SPECT) are used to diagnose epilepsy and its subsequent treatment. They have proven useful in locating the epileptogenic zone (which produces epilepsy). ) before the surgery.

In the photographs we can see the brain in different positions. As I represent in the box at the bottom: Half left view, right view front view, top view.

Right half view, left view, posterior view, bottom view without cerebellum.

To paint the real brains I have started from photographs of the plastinated brain, which is a technique to preserve biological material without decomposing it using special polymers that Gunther Von Hagens, the German anatomist, invented, called "plastination", hence the coloring.

THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 100X65 oil/canvas

The nervous system is a set of organs and control and information structures of the human body, made up of highly differentiated cells, known as neurons, which are capable of transmitting electrical impulses along a large network of nerve endings.

The nervous system is common to humans and most animals. Only certain animal groups, such as protozoa, porifera and plants, do not have a differentiated nervous system.

 This device for transmitting chemical and electrical energy runs through the entire body and thanks to it the coordination of movements and actions occurs, both conscious and reflexive, from which two types of nervous system are distinguished: the somatic and the the self-employed. The first deals with the connection between the extremities of the body and the brain, while the second deals with reflex and involuntary actions.

Considering that the development of man's nervous system has undergone fantastic changes and improvements throughout its evolution, we must think about how, over time, the system has been reprogrammed to evolve in accordance with circumstances and needs, which is the same thing that a programmer does with a machine to adapt to new functional needs and as lately we can see that A.I. acts. (Artificial intelligence)

NEURONAL STRUCTURE 100x65 oil/canvas

The background represents a field of neurons and related to its functioning, we place in the upper left an image of a brain resolved by the PET system (positron emission tomography) and which corresponds to a person suffering from Parkinson's and the one on the right suffers from Alzheimer's.

Positron emission tomography (PET) uses small amounts of radioactive materials called radiotracers or radiopharmaceuticals, a special camera, and a computer to evaluate tissue and organ functions. It is a very precise invasive technique that consists of monitoring various physiological functions that suffer alterations with brain activity: metabolism, flow, volume and oxygenation of the blood.

By identifying changes at the cellular level, PET can detect early manifestations of disease earlier than other imaging tests.

At the bottom, also, with the same technique, we see brains studied in different states. Thus, the first upper one is in “normal conscious state”, the next one on the right is “vegetative state”, the next one from below “lockdown syndrome” and the one on the right “state of minimal consciousness”.

With this work we want to indicate that when the brain undergoes functional changes it is because changes occur in it, in its structure, due to the program that controls it and that we can see thanks to these technologies, because with the naked eye we could see the brain. without any change.

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  • Tempo stimato di consegna: 10 giorni in tutta Italia.
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