Drug addicts Song (Cantico dei Drogati)

by Treviteo

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During the period when I attempted to depict this Fabrizio De André song in painting form, I was going through a crucial and delicate phase of my life. Some of the themes masterfully described in the lyrics of "Cantico dei Drogati" surprisingly mirrored aspects of my own life and feelings I experienced during those years.

Between 2004 and 2006, my life underwent a radical change, not internally but certainly externally—socially, that is, how it appeared to all those around me. The setting in Valle dell’Acqua (a nice beach in Sardinia Island), where I had experienced memorable and carefree moments, felt inevitable. This painting was created in the months of 2006 while I was deployed with the 50th Squadron in Abu Dhabi, unaware it would be my last before transitioning to the civilian aviation world.

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