Wedding March (Marcia Nuziale)

by Treviteo

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This painting is inspired by the song Marcia Nuziale, based on Georges Brassens' La Marche Nuptiale. The song lightheartedly tells the story of the humble wedding of the narrator's parents, who finally marry after a long engagement, with a child already born. A fierce storm attempts to stop the union, but to no avail, and the song ends with the celebratory wish, "long live the newlyweds."

For me, marriage is not just the union of two people, but also the union of ideals, vices, virtues, rhetoric, work, and pleasures. These elements intertwine in every aspect of life, forming a complex fusion that I aimed to capture in this painting. When I heard this song, I immediately thought of Gianluca and Silvia, a unique and unconventional couple who do not embody the "Perfect Couple" but rather an encounter of two personalities who, with their “flaws,” perfectly complement each other. It is to them that I dedicate this work.

In the painting, I included various characters, symbols, and references representing different aspects of my life and society. Among them are public figures such as Smiters, Prodi, Andreotti, Pope John Paul II, Rino Gattuso, Lapo Elkan, and others, who “compete” for space and symbolism in an ironic and provocative way. Gianluca and Silvia appear at the center, with their dog Pio IX embodying the narrator, observing the scene with an arrogant, almost pompous attitude, but with a wisdom that cannot be ignored.

An amusing anecdote that Gianluca shared with me about his sister’s wedding, when her new husband arrived with a MAN truck and used it to leave the church, has always stayed with me. This episode, symbolizing the beginning of a new journey and the freedom to "drive" in life, perfectly parallels our shared decision to leave the military career in search of new horizons.

This painting is dedicated to Gianluca, Silvia, and all the friends who have influenced my path—an homage to their union, which has always inspired me.


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