" Japanese cherry tree"

by Chiara Rita Amato

paintings on sale online


A Japanese cherry tree is wrapped in a leaf shape extended, and stands in an airy and open space. The details are charts and approach to natural flowers. The shaft is driven by an invisible wind, a metaphor of sentiments and poetry, intimate thoughts dragger. The sign of the spatula is scathing in the cuts and spreads the red pistils of flowers with the effect of wind. The light is warm and is created by overlapping colors. The space appears unreal and magical. The time of the painting is indefinite, the atmosphere is suspended. The color is moved anywhere, is alive and vital, it seems circling in a dance like movement of thoughts and feelings. Two bands, one upper and one lower, frame the scene. The observer can feel close to the same artist- photographer of the image, and read his reasons, through translation in color symbols and signs. The sign is lifted and the color becomes dense. The picture wants to stir up an atmosphere of reflection and meditation, crossed by the heartstrings.

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  1. Pasquale De Cristofaro
    Oct 9, 2017, 6:50:54 PM

    Non c'e' osservazione dalla quale non emergano nuovi meravigliosi dettagli.
    Chi ama riflettere e meditare verra' avvolto da caldi colori in un tempo e uno spazio indefinito. Cosi' come il pensiero vuole.

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Chiara Rita Amato sells paintings online

Chiara Rita Amato

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