Lagarde's scream: "INTEREST RATES MUST RAISE!"

by Luca Federici

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Lagarde's scream: "INTEREST RATES MUST RISE!"

Painted by expressionist painter George Grosz.

It has already been several months since Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank, deems it absolutely necessary to raise interest rates to counter inflation or the generalized and progressive increase in prices. For the president of the ECB, the only possible solution to fight inflation is to raise interest rates; there are no alternatives.

Every day, at least in Italy, there is always some increase in prices, but this is mainly due to unscrupulous speculators who take advantage of the situation to enrich themselves at the expense of the population.

I fear that if the war with Russia doesn't end, neither will the rise in energy prices, raw materials and, thanks to the president of the ECB, interest rates.

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