painting 08 The spiral ... in galaxies, in the whirling of planets, in the form of DNA.

by Renzo Biolchi

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The spiral ... in galaxies, in the whirling of planets, in the form of DNA.

The spiral is a shape present throughout the visible universe, it manifests itself in innumerable ways, both in the microscopic world and in the macroscopic one. In the microscopic world the best known case is that of DNA and even smaller are the paths made by the resulting fragments by the collision of atoms, produced by accelerators and particle colliders. At an astronomical level, the vast amount of galaxies characterized by the spiral shape can be observed, among them the Milky Way. Our planet becomes part of this phenomenon, in its perennial path around the sun it makes a spiral path.

I try to represent the basic idea that permeates my thought: "The universe appears to be made up of a multitude of subjects, entities and elements, but all, slowly, and inexorably, are converging towards the ONE , an ABSOLUTE from which everything is derived and towards which everything is converging. It is a concept that I explained in detail in my book entitled: : "l'universo e' una sola anima",available only in the Italian language(at the moment).

The framework is made up of four 0.16 inch MDF panels with a size of 28.75 inch x 28.75 inch, fixed to an underlying wooden structure with velcro strips. The structure is foldable (folded has a size of 28.75 inch x 57.49 inch) to facilitate transport.

CLICK HERE to see the support on which the 4 panels are fixed.

CLICK HERE to see the paintings in a furnished interior.

CLICK HERE to see the virtual exhibition of my paintings (for a better usability it is preferable to use the desktop pc).

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