Tomba's Scream

by Luca Federici

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The image, taken from the television coverage of the XV Olympic Games in Calgary, 1988, recounts the moment of overwhelming enthusiasm in which Alberto learns that he has won (for 6 cents) the Olympic Gold in the Special Slalom. I never liked ski sports, but when Tomba competed, like so many other Italians of that period, I was a true ski enthusiast and I didn't miss a heat in front of the TV, because seeing him skiing was not only spectacular, but also a ' exciting emotion. It is a bit difficult to explain to those who were not there in those years, however I believe that due to a sort of emotional media contagion and / or empathic suggestion, every time the sample came out of the starting gate I felt a heart pounding; as he has won often and willingly, he made me feel more Tomba emotions than all the other athletes and sports put together. Thanks Alberto!

The pictorial effect was achieved by using a small silk-screen spatula like a palette knife to paint and pouring more colors on the frame; in particular the colors, in function of chiaroscuro, were used to emphasize the subject. Slightly misprints, small spots and irregular ink deposits are purely intentional. For the work, 4 screen printing frames were used.


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