Without noise

by Valmar

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The work I have portrayed is the union between two of my antecedent works that represent two opposing aspects of my "FARE L'ARTE": figurative and abstract.

The first image I used depicts a nude woman lying in a fetal position on the beach.

The second abstract which in itself brings another of my personal characteristics, that of architecture. In fact, vaguely can remember the hinted image of an arch crossed by a road. The latter served me to give a sense of dynamism to the composition and represents a sort of transition to change. My personal change of rebirth in symbiosis and empathy with the surrounding environment and, more generally, of the approach of man to the environment. For once the human being does not impose changes on the environment so that he can exploit it for his purposes, but from it he draws energy by entering it in harmony, almost as if he could be confused with it according to a process of mimesis.

The choice of colors in all this becomes fundamental. They are spring, because spring is reborn. The green is reminiscent of the firs, the blue is the sea and the sky becomes orange-yellow, assuming the colors of an aurora. Of the human body, transfigured and become a chameleon, there remains the purity, the tenderness in the pink color that in the whole appears as a reflection, or presence of something different, however able to become part of the whole "without noise".

Limited edition: 3/3.

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