are you a painter and wouls like to let people know you?
Pubblicise yourself for FREE without any limits and get in touch with your customers , without intermediaries
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Once you've signed up you can access your Control Panel, where you may add all the paintings you like from (to be visible on PitturiAmo you must add AT LEAST 1 painting), news regarding your activity (for example, exhibitions and events you've partecipated to or those you're going to. You may also add important meetings relevant to art in your town), the criticism to your art and complete your profile uploading your photo, your biography and your CV.
you're not convinced yet?
You and your paintings will receive for free visibility on a large scale thanks to an excellent location of PitturiAmo on search engines.
PitturiAmo è presente ai primissimi posti su Google e su tutti gli altri motori di ricerca con migliaia di parole chiave importantissime per questo settore.
È una enorme visibilità che ottieni, GRATIS!
Ad oggi PitturiAmo registra circa 2.500-2.800 visite al giorno. Ogni visitatore guarda in media 10 pagine, ovvero ogni giono PitturiAmo espone circa 25-28.000 quadri. Quale altra galleria fisica può darti questa visibilità ?