He takes care of the VAN DUCK TUTOR D'ARTE on facebook focused on his practice as an art scholar and tutor of PAINTING.I

n it, where there are particularly qualified associates, he exhibits among other things his considerations on art.

Coordinate groups on facebook:

- GALLERIA D' ARTE VAN DUCK, where in addition to the usual sharing of interest and promotion of art there is the presence of prestigious signatures of contemporary painting who adhere to it.

- ASTRATTISMO NATURALISTICO where works that try to go beyond the narrow figurative to express with lines of force and unusual use of colors an original way of representing reality and revisiting it while making it recognizable are published and debated.


- has published on Facebook the work IL VALORE NELL 'ARTE, a series of reflections on the factors that can influence the evaluation of the paintings.

N. B. On 11 June 2018 the free collaboration with the "wheel of fortune" gallery ended

On PITTURIAMO, in ottobre 2021 it published 41 presentations of exhibitions and prepared 18 opinions relating to works in evidence.


EMAIL: [email protected]