In the water of the clear Fountain (Nell'acqua della chiara Fontana )

by Treviteo

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"On a thematic level, 'Nell'acqua della chiara fontana' encapsulates many classic themes such as love, not only in its platonic form but also its physical manifestation. Free from sex-phobic attitudes, the songwriter explores love, emphasizing how physicality and the sense of the body constitute crucial elements, particularly in medieval culture. Recognizing a strong erotic component in the act of a woman bathing, Fabrizio composed 'Nell'acqua della chiara fontana,' a delicate and rhapsodic adaptation of a Brassens text where a man and a girl repeat a chance encounter marked by a lived but not exhibited sexuality, celebrated with great modesty (citation). The girl's giving of herself to love aligns with the elegance and gentleness of her gestures, prompting her lover to seek her out repeatedly, trusting in the wind and the lightness of the dress she left on the edge of the fountain..."

Interpreting this sweet song and naturally overlaying it with my life is currently straightforward for me. Typically, the inspiration that drives me to dream, conceive, and complete my modest works always begins with a song. The lyrics or the meaning expressed between the notes and lines connect me with interests and similarities in paragraphs of my life, leading to the study of the setting and then the inclusion of 'characters' who sometimes successfully characterize my paintings by interpreting various roles.

With 'Nell'acqua della chiara fontana,' however, everything originates from the 'character.' From this, the idea emerges, the setting and landscape develop, and it concludes with the addition of other figures that complement or complete the character itself.

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