Angelo Tasini - contemporary painter

Angelo Tasini sells paintings online

Angelo Tasini

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Angelo Tasini's art is a process of personal research.

A spiritual research, that led the artist to travel to various mystical places of this planet; breathing in inspiration from pyramids in Mexico and Egypt or Temples in India and Orient.

In these travels, Tasini meets antique traditions, religions and spirits.

He experiences these spiritual places by accurately studying all the details of the ancient tempels and altars; breathing in their surfaces, listening to these remains, making them part of himself.

All these multi-sensorial experiences, the artist translates into the panels, boards and metal sheets.

He recreates the antique stone totems by using stucco and resin polymers into unique, contemporary art pieces, that breath with ancient energy.

A tribal urban art, that carries fascinating antique traditions into the modern metropolitan world.

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-Professional in the art of airbrushing since 1995.

-In 1996, on the occasion of Motorshow fair in Bologna (Italy), design and style creation for leather clothing of the Hector brand.

-In 2016 he made his debut with a personal exhibition at the Aurum in Pescara (Italy), during the XCongress, where his works are the setting for speakers of national and international importance.

-In 2017 he exhibited during the Spiritual Festival at the ancient convent of San Francesco in Bagnacavallo (RA). Italy.

-In 2019 he participates in the exhibition "In mostra con i grandi maestri" at Galleria Farini in Bologna, Italy.

-In 2019 he participates in the 12th edition of the "Florence Biennale" of art in Florence. (Italy)

-In 2019 he enters the "Studioadarte" program for professional artists.

-In 2020 admission to "ArtExpo" in New York (event postponed to 2021 due to Covid19).

-In 2020 he participates in "Solstizio d'estate: un'estate mai così attesa " collective exhibition at the Zamagni Gallery in Rimini, with which he begins to collaborate.

-In 2020 he is one of the winning artists of the "100 pittori a Palazzo Fani" competition, exhibition inside the Palazzo Fani in Tuscania (VT) Italy.

-In 2020 admission to "CurArti" 2020.

-Angelo Tasini is present in the catalogs of the Farini Gallery, the Florence Biennale of Art 2019, and the Zamagni Gallery.

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The paintings on sale of the contemporary painter Angelo Tasini

Tutti (22) Quadri disponibili (22)