Ilaria Patteri - Maestra contemporanea - Artisti emergenti


Born in Sardinia in 1984, the artist is a wonderer both because of her job and her travelling passion. She is a world citizen currently based in Doha, Qatar, yet still very attached to her homeland.

From music to visual arts; art in all its forms, has always been a part of her life.

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Self - taught artist from the age of 3 years onward. Constant learning and experimenting new techniques and materials is the key of her artworks. She has been painting not only with brushes, but also with sponges, leaves and soccer balls. She loves recycling and supports the idea that everyone can potentially paint with anything. She also debuted in fashion at the Qatar International Art Festival 2022.

In Qatar her mission is to represent the Qatari culture in a modern way, thus enhancing the coexistence of tradition and modernity.

Events and exhibitions

- 2020: selected for the international Van Gogh Prize organised by

- October 2021: virtual exhibition at the International Contemporary Art Salon organised by Art3f in Haute Savoie, France

- October 2021: Collective exhibition at Galleria Florida in Arona, Italy.

- October 2021: Qatar International Art Festival

- October/November 2021: chosen among the finalists at the DeSidera International Art  Festival in Trieste, Italy.

- November 2021: exhibition in Padua, Italy, at Arte Padova Fiere

- November - December 2021: resident artist at Katara Art Studios in Doha, Qatar

- January 2022: selected for the prize ‘Premio Maestri a Milano’ in Milan, Italy

- January 2022: Recognized as “Emerging artist” by

- January 2022: starting of a collaboration with Passepartout unconventional gallery in Milan, where she is permanent artist

- January 2022: exhibition at Art3F Paris

- February 2022: Katara International Arab Horse Festival (Horse equipment live painting


- March 2022: Collective exhibition ‘ Spring of Art in Arona’, in Arona, Italy

- April 2022: Mini-personal exhibition in Arona, Italy

- June 2022: International Contemporary Art Fair, Art3f Montecarlo 2022

- June 2022: Milano Art&Design week

- September 2022: Qatar International Art Festival

- September 2022: Milano Art & Fashion week

- October -December 2022: exhibition ‘Now us all’ at Workington, M7, Qatar

- November 2022: selected by the Qatar Minister of Youth and Sports for a public artwork (mural) at Barahat Al Janoub, in Doha

Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @ilariapatteriart

FB: Ilariapatteri-art



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