Vania - contemporary paintress

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Valentina "Vania" Summa, born in Vigevano on September 13th of 1981, took a diploma at  "Casorati" High School of Arts in Novara (1999), attended a Fifth Supplementary Year and then ended her course of study with a degree at Brera's Academy of Fine Arts in Milan (2005). She developed her formation with a specialization in Exhibition  Design in Firenze and she worked for some years in the Museum of Daily Life and the Museum of the Great War in Vigevano. She studied violin and piano and she took a diploma in music theory at Novara's Conservatory.

Illustrator, writer of the fantasy saga "Ko-Mython", actress and singer, Valentina carries on each one of her passions, a merge of arts that take inspiration one from the other. Performer, organizer of artistic and literary events, she also works in primary and middle schools teaching Art and Creative Writing. 

Her principle source of ispiration is epic, gothic and fantasy literature. Her themes are often nocturne, symbolic, born from dreams or nightmares. Her style is fundamentally figurative but she is open to experiments. She calls herself a "lifelong learner", her search in neverending.

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- The Double - Mortara, 2013

- Compasses of Time - Vigevano, 2013 

- In memory of Peter Kolosimo - Garlasco, 2014 

- Edgar Allan Poe, an homage - Vigevano, 2015 

- H.P.Lovecraft, an homage - Vigevano, 2016 

Actress/performer since 2008 (Il Mosaico Company till 2014, then ControLuce)

2015 – till now :

• Ladolfi Editore

• Author e promoter of novels “Ko-Mython” and "Il richiamo del sangue"

2015 - till now: 

• Kid's Library G.Cordone 

• School courses about Art and Creative Writing, "Fantasy Novels" 

2013 – 2015 :

• Music School L.Costa 

• Secretary 

2013 – 2015 :


• Reviewer 

2012 – 2012 :

• ENAIP Lombardy, Negrone Institute

• Teacher of Theatre 

2011 :

• Il Mosaico Company, Primary School G.Vidari 

• Teacher of Theatre 

2011 – 2011 :

• ENAIP Lombardy, Negrone Institute

• Teacher of Costume

 2009 / 2010 :

  • Vigevano City, Museum of Daily Life “Franco Fava” 

• Responsible of educational activities, guide, organizer of events, iconografic research and creation of didactic texts for Punto&Virgola Publishing, web-master. 

2009 - 2010 :

• ENAIP Lombardy, Negrone Institute

• Teacher of Theatre and Music

2007 - 2010 :

• Terre di Confine, online magazine

• Writer, editor

2007 - 2008 :

• Vigevano City, Nation Office for Civilian Service 

• Principali mansioni : Catalogazione, sorveglianza, manutenzione, guida turistica, allestimento, partecipazioni a progetti editoriali correlati (fotografa per il catalogo LA GRANDE GUERRA e correttrice di bozze per l’antologia poetica CI SARÀ UN FUCILE ARRUGGINITO SUL MURO, CARA… editi dalla Punto&Virgola) 

2005 / 2006 :

• High School of Art Beato Angelico , Milano 

• Teacher of Theatre 

2004 - 2006 :

• MimepDocete Publishing, Milano 

• Illustrator, editor 

• 2001 :

• Primary School G.Vidari, Vigevano 

• Teacher of Art


• 2013

• ArteData, Firenze 

• Exhibition Design 

• Diploma of Specialization 

• 2000 - 2005

• Brera's Academy of Fine Arts, Milano 

• Painting, History of Art

• Degree 105/110 

• 1999 - 2000

• Fifth Supplementary Year, "Casorati" High School of Art, Novara 

• English, Literature, Astronomy, Philosophy, Math 

• Certificate

• 1995 - 1999

• "Casorati" High School of Art, Novara 

• Artistic Department 

• Diploma (Master of Art) 100/100

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The paintings on sale of the contemporary paintress Vania

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