- The Double - Mortara, 2013

- Compasses of Time - Vigevano, 2013 

- In memory of Peter Kolosimo - Garlasco, 2014 

- Edgar Allan Poe, an homage - Vigevano, 2015 

- H.P.Lovecraft, an homage - Vigevano, 2016 

Actress/performer since 2008 (Il Mosaico Company till 2014, then ControLuce)

2015 – till now :

• Ladolfi Editore

• Author e promoter of novels “Ko-Mython” and "Il richiamo del sangue"

2015 - till now: 

• Kid's Library G.Cordone 

• School courses about Art and Creative Writing, "Fantasy Novels" 

2013 – 2015 :

• Music School L.Costa 

• Secretary 

2013 – 2015 :


• Reviewer 

2012 – 2012 :

• ENAIP Lombardy, Negrone Institute

• Teacher of Theatre 

2011 :

• Il Mosaico Company, Primary School G.Vidari 

• Teacher of Theatre 

2011 – 2011 :

• ENAIP Lombardy, Negrone Institute

• Teacher of Costume

 2009 / 2010 :

  • Vigevano City, Museum of Daily Life “Franco Fava” 

• Responsible of educational activities, guide, organizer of events, iconografic research and creation of didactic texts for Punto&Virgola Publishing, web-master. 

2009 - 2010 :

• ENAIP Lombardy, Negrone Institute

• Teacher of Theatre and Music

2007 - 2010 :

• Terre di Confine, online magazine

• Writer, editor

2007 - 2008 :

• Vigevano City, Nation Office for Civilian Service 

• Principali mansioni : Catalogazione, sorveglianza, manutenzione, guida turistica, allestimento, partecipazioni a progetti editoriali correlati (fotografa per il catalogo LA GRANDE GUERRA e correttrice di bozze per l’antologia poetica CI SARÀ UN FUCILE ARRUGGINITO SUL MURO, CARA… editi dalla Punto&Virgola) 

2005 / 2006 :

• High School of Art Beato Angelico , Milano 

• Teacher of Theatre 

2004 - 2006 :

• MimepDocete Publishing, Milano 

• Illustrator, editor 

• 2001 :

• Primary School G.Vidari, Vigevano 

• Teacher of Art


• 2013

• ArteData, Firenze 

• Exhibition Design 

• Diploma of Specialization 

• 2000 - 2005

• Brera's Academy of Fine Arts, Milano 

• Painting, History of Art

• Degree 105/110 

• 1999 - 2000

• Fifth Supplementary Year, "Casorati" High School of Art, Novara 

• English, Literature, Astronomy, Philosophy, Math 

• Certificate

• 1995 - 1999

• "Casorati" High School of Art, Novara 

• Artistic Department 

• Diploma (Master of Art) 100/100