The blues Brothers

by Carla Bertoli

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Mixed media 80x60 -2013
I had a lot of fun creating this work, every stroke was a laugh because this painting represents in an ironic version the musical group Blues Brothers, founded by comedians John Beluschi and Dan Aykroyd.
Lover of animals, I expose my vision, wishing greater attention to these creatures, in a dualism between man and environment where it is necessary to respect each other and have attention and care both of all the kingdoms of creation.
With a benevolent soul I look at nature, especially the animal world because it arouses sensitivity and a lot of love in me.
Certainly hilarious the painted image of these two dogs looking out from the inside of a window.
The colors that inspired the work are all shades of white, silver, blue and the part of the nose and glasses in metallic black, to give it the right emphasis.


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