Untitled #110513

by Gianfranco Serra

paintings on sale online


(Art does not have to be pretty strong, but if it is able to convey his message continues to excite and to give pleasant sensations, offers something more to the observer).

1) Each work is unique and made by hand, signed and accompanied by acetified authentication

2) to contact the artist

  for further guidance artistic activity visit www.serragianfranco.it [email protected]

Shipping cost included in the price, provides for the protection of the framework with polystyrene sheets and edge protectors.

2,548 viewers

1 comment

Showing 1-1 of 1 item.
  1. Pasquale Pucciarelli
    Mar 29, 2018, 10:28:41 AM

    molto bello insisti su questa strada!

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Gianfranco Serra sells paintings online

Gianfranco Serra

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