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Completely self-study I started with drawing and then painting.
Generally I like to reproduce what excites me during my little or big trips.
But when I'm sad and more introspective I prefer to paint bodies mostly of women, in this way I affront and exorcise my moods (let's say a journey inside myself).
I realized this picture in one of these moments: I was losing a person very dear to me, who had grown up with me and who had given me joy for life.
It was a piece of heart that was going away forever, at the same time I had started an important love story for two years. This framework unites in itself these two conflicting emotions-passions: one towards a nascent love and an understanding as an incurable pain that would have left an indelible scar in my heart. For this reason I decided to call it "PASSION". It is quite grade (65x80) and has a silver frame, the technique used is oil and acrylic on a canvas board. I painted it in 2009.
For shipping, use the protections for the corners and wrap the work with the protective plastic with air bubbles. I make more and more steps to make sure the work is well protected. In any case, remember that, by law, you are entitled to receive a refund of the amount within 14 days of receipt of the work at home. Without any explanation. Obviously, before you get a refund, you will have to send it back and wait for me to receive it, perfectly intact as you received it. If you buy this picture, I recommend, treat it well and expose it in the best environment you have. Every picture of mine is a piece of the heart that I give you in usufruct. If you want to know me better read my biography, and if you want to read the criticism about this work that I received from the art critic Antonio Castellana.

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  1. Antonio Castellana
    Mar 1, 2018, 4:06:55 PM

    Un'intrigante fusione tra sentimento e passionalità che l'artista ci fa assaporare attraverso una pittura accattivante e seducente. Marcella Molea ha attinto i dettami della sua arte di stampo surreale in uno scenario da sogno con i contorni non ben definiti ma amalgamati con sapiente duttilità. Il tema attiene ad una realtà in continua espansione come la passione interpretato con un gesto di tenerezza e di dolcezza. Una perfetta simbiosi di bellezza e di sensualità che l'artista programma ai fini di sollecitare una condivisione di affetti tra i due protagonisti ritratti.


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