by Sangil

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 Everyone wonders how the Universe was born and all religions give an explanation of this fact saying that their god was the one who created it, although the explanations about how he did it are different and all fantastic, magical. Probably the one that comes closest to the scientific explanation is the Hebrew one as explained in Genesis of the Bible, a sacred book that is also useful for Christians and partly for Muslims.

Science attributes it to a big explosion (Big-Bang). It is estimated that this began about 13.8 billion Earth years ago and our planet is considered to have formed about 4.6 billion years ago.

Scientists estimate that the Big Crunch, its destruction, will occur between 2.8 billion and 22 billion years from now, although other researchers even suggest that the process of its disappearance has already begun.

Between the beginning with the Big-Bang and the end with the Big-Crunh, the Universe evolves and is maintained. For religions this function is performed by God, thus in Hinduism Brahma is the Creator god, therefore the one who produces the Big-Bang. Vishnu is the Preserver, therefore the one who produces evolution and performs maintenance. Siva is the destroyer, therefore the one who produces the Big-Crunch. This is how Hinduism defines the Divine Trinity, therefore it is a god but with three functions according to the sidereal time.

This is very close to my theory of the Programmed Universe, because for me the Universe is the same creator, maintainer and destroyer god, since in reality it is a quantum supercomputer with a super program that, when executed with the Big-Bang, fulfills the entire program. and all this is God himself, Universe, quantum supercomputer and super program.

All this is represented in my work in the triptych format looking from left to right:


I represent the Big Bang with the image of a real and current quantum computer, created by Google. The lines of code of the algorithm that launched the creation of the Universe appear, in current real language called Python, in the form of rays from the explosion. The quantum computing array and lines of code with the center of the explosion resemble a light bulb with “bright idea” symbolism.

In the lower left corner we have a microphone through which Brahma/Yahweh/Jehovah/Allah gives the order: Fiat Lux-Let there be light.

In the lower right corner we have the flow chart indicating the steps that the program follows.


Here we represent the MILKY WAY Galaxy to which our Sun belongs. We have above us the same quantum computer that maintains the Universe and makes it evolve. Between the arms of the Galaxy appear the lines of code of the algorithm that performs these functions.

In the lower left corner we have a keyboard through which Vishnu gives the appropriate orders to correct the anomalies that he considers and the evolutionary changes that he decides.

On the right we see the flow chart corresponding to the program created to perform these functions.

In the center we see a monitor with the image of the galaxy.


 We represent space-time now without light because the stars have been destroyed, the Universe collapses and is engulfed by a black hole. Everything looks gray including the quantum computer, the microphone through which the Total Destruction order is given and the flowchart with the necessary steps that the quantum program executes.

If we look at the number of lines of code for each algorithm, we will see 9-8-9.

The number 9 means:

Completeness: The number 9 is associated with the idea of ​​closure and completion. In many traditions, it is considered the last number before starting over, which links it to the concept of completeness and wholeness.

Spirituality: Often associated with spirituality, wisdom and transcendence. It may represent the path to a higher level of consciousness and spiritual connection.

Transformation: It can also symbolize transformation processes, where something old is left behind to make way for the new. It represents the ability to let go and move towards a new cycle or state.

The number 9 occurs in the Creation and in the destruction of the Universe where the transformation is total, since we go from nothing to everything and then from everything to nothing.

The number 8 means:

Balance: The number 8 is associated with the idea of ​​balance and harmony, since its shape is symmetrical and stable. It can represent the interconnection of opposing forces and the need to find a middle ground or state of balance.

Abundance and material success: In many cultures, the number 8 is considered auspicious in terms of prosperity and material success. It is believed to attract good fortune and material wealth.

Cycles and Flow: Since the number 8 has a continuous and curved shape, it can also symbolize the constant flow of energy and cyclical nature.

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